Hello and welcome to the online guide to baby teeth and teething. This comprehensive guide contains a range of information about teething and the various issues that accompany this developmental stage. These include the appearance of baby’s first tooth, the signs of teething, the problems caused by teething and the variety of treatments available.
Structured guide to teething
This guide consists of a series of articles which cover all aspects related to baby teeth and teething. These articles are found within the following categories:
- Teething Symptoms
- What is Teething
- Teething Treatment
- Teething Products
- Looking After Baby Teeth
- Teething FAQ’s
Visit any of these categories in turn to find out more about a particular aspect of teething.
A sympathetic approach to teething
Teething can be a stressful time for both baby and parents who know that this is a natural stage in their child’s development but want to know the best way of dealing with it.
Does this apply to you? If you are a busy parent with a teething baby then this guide is designed to help you and other parents in this situation. It aims to answer any question you may have about baby teeth and teething as well as ensuring that you are better informed about what can be a difficult time for all.
We have used humour in this guide but that does not mean that we are any less sympathetic. We know that teething is a difficult time for parents and have produced these articles as a means of help and support.
But if you feel in need of some cheering up, then we hope that this guide does that as well. No offence intended.
Help and advice for mums
Mums – it may help to soothe your frazzled nerves as well! We understand that it is not easy when your baby is teething as he or she becomes a little bit cranky as a result. This often means sleepless nights for you and baby as well as a feeling of helplessness.
Dads are important too
Dads: we have not forgotten about you as we know that you are equally as affected by your offspring’s teething problems. This guide is aimed at both you and your partner and considers your needs as well.
The important thing to realise is that you are not alone. There are many mums in your situation who feel exactly the same during the teething stage and want to do the best for their baby but are unsure about the best way of doing so.
What is important to remember is that what works for one baby is not always the best for another. You may need to try several treatments before finding the one which suits both you and your baby.
Helping you to find the right answer to your teething question
Should you use teething gel on your baby’s sore gums? How good are amber teething necklaces? What is the difference between a teething ring and teething biscuits? What is the best painkiller for teething pain?
These are just a few of the many questions we are asked about teething. Some of these questions are asked repeatedly whereas others are ‘one-off’ questions.
So, we devised this guide to answer these questions as well as providing you with a range of options. These options include a range of teething treatment products.
These products have been reviewed by parents who have been through the teething stage and understand exactly what you are going through. They have ‘hands on’experience you might say and are the right people to offer an opinion.
This is an information guide only and is not designed to replace professional medical opinion. If you are worried about any aspect of your baby’s health which includes teething then speak to your doctor.