Sore gums are a particular feature of teething which is mainly due to the force put on them by the emerging teeth. As the new teeth start to break through they may cause what looks like a blister to form in the gum tissue. This blister often bulges out over the area where the tooth is about to push through. It is red, inflamed and sore to touch but this pain starts to ease once the tooth has made an appearance. You will notice a couple of white bumps in your baby’s gum which are signs that the new teeth are ready to come through. Plus his/her gums may appear bruised or a dark, reddish colour. Your baby may have flushed red cheeks, especially the cheek which is over the site of the emerging tooth. And what often happens is that the baby then rubs his gums or cheeks to help relieve the pain.

Does teething cause bleeding from the gums?

There may be some bleeding but this will be very light. The reason for this is that as the teeth break through the gums they cause a tiny cyst or blister to form. This blister is filled with blood and fluid which is released once the teeth have erupted. A milk tooth will push through the blister and this pressure forces the fluid and blood to be shed. So, you will see a small amount of blood in your baby’s mouth. But don’t worry as this is entirely normal and stops once the tooth has appeared. The blister is replaced by a small, white tooth which is perfect to look at.

Be careful not to damage your baby’s gums when giving him/her a teething ring, teething keys or some other some other teething object. Ensure that this is not too hard for him/her to chew on and don’t allow it to jab or put extra pressure on the gums as these are highly sensitive at this time. Place a teething ring or other similar object in the fridge to cool it beforehand as this will help to soothe your baby’s sore gums. But do NOT place it in the freezer compartment as it will damage his/her gums, for example ice burns.