This is probably not something you would associate with teething but it is one of several signs of this developmental stage. Many babies do suffer from nappy rash during this process which is due to the increase in saliva at this time. Your baby is drooling more than usual and this excess drool passes down into his/her tummy where it causes nappy rash and/or diarrhoea. This increase causes extra stomach acid to be produced which then results in acidic urine. So basically, your baby’s wee will be stronger and harsher than usual which will really sting!

Nappy rash and/or loose stools (diarrhoea) along with drooling are more likely to occur during the height of a teething episode. Expect your baby to leak from both ends during this time so keep a supply of clean towels and nappies to hand.

Apply a barrier cream and change his/her nappy more frequently.

What is the difference between teething nappy rash and ordinary nappy rash?

Is there a difference? Well, an ordinary nappy rash develops as a sore, red rash over the baby’s bottom. There are other types of nappy rash that may be caused by conditions such as thrush.

A teething nappy rash can be far worse and much more painful. Some parents notice that the rash is so severe that it causes the skin on their baby’s bottom to crack and ooze fluids. As you might imagine this causes a great deal of pain for the baby and is upsetting for the parents as well.

These extreme cases of nappy rash usually happen at every bout of teething. However, not every parent experiences this with their baby so you may be fortunate and escape this. But this does not mean that you escape having to deal with normal, everyday nappy rash!