Teething is not an easy time for babies and if you are a parent reading this then you will sympathise with this statement. It is a natural stage in their development but for most babies, it is not an easy one. There are a few babies who breeze through the entire process but they are the exception. The norm is for babies to experience a range of symptoms that are unpleasant and upsetting. But help is at hand. There are ways of dealing with the signs of teething that will ensure that any pain and discomfort is minimised.

Coping with teething

Let’s be honest: teething is a miserable time for any baby (and the parents as well!). Your little one will appear to have metamorphosed into a dribbling, grizzly, biting little monster who you are unable to recognise from the much-awaited bundle of joy. But once again, help is at hand. The choice and range of treatment plus the help and support provided on this site and other parenting forums mean that you are not alone with this. Talk to other parents and exchange ideas, opinions and sympathy.

You will find that other mums and dads know exactly what you are going through and will be more than happy to offer support and advice. They too will have had to cope with the sleepless nights, drooling, earache, and loss of appetite, nappy rash and other less appealing aspects of teething. They will probably be able to tell you a thing or two about their teething troubles.

The way to approach teething is to recognise and understand the symptoms and deal with these. Give your little one lots of tender loving care and provide cold drinks as a form of relief. Some babies love having their sore gums massaged. Others enjoy chewing on a nice, damp cloth or flannel that has been chilled in the fridge as these soothe inflamed gums.