This article is designed for anyone who is becoming a parent for the first time. Are you new parents? If you are then this is where you can find out more about what to expect from your new status.
What is the best advice we can give you as new parents?
The important thing to remember is that you can’t get it right all of the time but you will do better than you realise. You may feel as if you are making a lot of mistakes and at times, unsure what to do.
But, we have all been there.
Every parent knows what it is like when you arrive home with your little one and the reality suddenly sets in. The initial euphoria at being proud parents of a little man/lady is replaced by a feeling of fear or anxiety.
What type of nappy should you use? How often should you feed your baby? What changes can you expect to see in your baby in the first few weeks? What is the best way of bonding with your baby?
These are a few of the many issues which concern new parents but there is help and advice to deal with these.
Talk to other parents
You will find it helpful to talk to other parents. They have been in this position and can provide support and advice. Plus there are various online forums such as Mumsnet which contain advice about being a new parent.
What you will find is that these other parents faced the same issues that you do. They were also excited and yet scared by the thought of the responsibility of a new life in their hands but found that they coped and often better than they thought they would.
Some parents feel that asking for help is a sign that they are unable to cope and are reluctant to do so. But no-one is born an expert parent and we all had to ask for help at some time.
The fun of being a new parent
The word ‘fun’ may not immediately spring to mind after another sleepless night or having to change a nappy for the umpteenth time. But being a parent is fun when you think of all the things you and your little one do together. These include:
- The smell of a newly washed baby
- Giving your little one an extra cuddle after her bath
- Walking down the street with your baby and finding that he/she is the centre of attention.
- Watching your little one’s eyes light up when he/she sees you
- Talking to your baby using gurgling and cooing sounds
- Discussing your little one with other parents
- Comforting your baby when he is upset
- Realising that your little one relies on you to love and care for him/her.
There are probably many other fun things you can think of which can be added to this list.
Being a parent has its ups and downs but nothing beats seeing your baby learn to walk, talk and become his/her own person before your very eyes.